Green Health Prescriptions – How they can help you become healthier

Working with the Green Health Partnership and as part of the wider social prescribing programme within NHS Tayside, Volunteer Dundee is involved in piloting the ‘Green Health Prescription’, a new pathway to make the most out of our Dundee nature-based activities in greenspaces as a health-promoting resource.

The Green Health Prescription can work as an alternative, or complement to, traditional medicine to help you feel better and encourage you to make healthier lifestyle choices, with long term health benefits.

How Can This Help?

Engaging with nature and spending time outdoors is a scientifically proven method to help cope with a large variety of health issues. Being outdoors helps with a range of health issues, including Type 2 Diabetes, COPD, chronic pain or poor mental health, -to mention just a few,- and without any side effects.

Joining in a group can help reduce the need for medication and inspire you to lead a more active and healthier life that can positively affect your health long term. In Dundee we are lucky to have such a wide variety of different groups doing activities in greenspaces and we can help you identify the ones that might work best for you.

What happens next?

You can refer yourself to this service or speak to your GP about it to see if it is right for you.

If this is something you want to learn more about please contact us at

01382 305757 or text/call 0771 996 9229 or at

We will be happy to help you start making healthier choices!



Do you enjoy physical activity and attend any outdoor activities in Dundee?

Would you be willing to use your experience to support others who might be slightly anxious about attending a group on their own, either for a one-off session or over a number of weeks/activities?

Support and guidance:

We provide full training for the role and hold regular group supervision sessions to enable you to reflect on your practice and discuss any issues. We also provide reimbursement for out-of-pocket travel. Please see the Volunteer Role Description below:

GHP Project Role Descriptor

For more information, or to discuss the role with a member of the team, please call, text or email:  01382 305757 or 0771 9969 229

To apply, please fill in this application form:

GHP Volunteer Application Form

This project is funded by Smarter Choices Smarter Places Open Fund, Scottish Natural Heritage and Common Good Fund.