Advocating Together run self-advocacy groups for adults with learning disabilities and / or autistic spectrum disorder with the aim of improving their confidence and communication skills, developing the awareness of their rights and responsibilities, enabling them to take more control over their own lives and to comment more effectively on services provided.
We, at Advocating Together, are looking for enthusiastic and friendly people to join a small team of volunteer Communication Champions (role for adults with additional support needs), who can make a time commitment of up to 3 hours per week.
Advocating Together is the lead for the development of the Dundee Safe Place Initiative and the official organisation who works in partnership with Police Scotland and I Am Me Scotland for Dundee Keep Safe Places.
Communication Champions will help raise awareness of disability hate crime in Dundee, promote & raise awareness of Keep Safe places and make sure they provide a good service, learn what I Am Me – Keep Safe is and keep up to date with any changes, and attend bi-monthly meetings. Comprehensive training will be provided.
For more information, please email