DIAL-OP & GO is a project run through Volunteer Dundee which aims to address loneliness and isolation in adults in Dundee through our Blether Buddie, Information Helpline and Morning Call services. The Blether Buddie service offers a weekly catch up call to isolated and vulnerable adults. The Information Helpline offers easy to access information on a range of services, activities and issues affecting adults in Dundee. The Morning Call Service gives a short daily telephone call to check on wellbeing, also offering a reminder service for appointments and signposting to relevant organisations if required. The GO Project offers practical and emotional support to people in Dundee who require assistance in accessing local services or activities.

The Morning Call service aims to help vulnerable or isolated adults in Dundee feel more connected, safer and valued. To achieve this the service makes a short daily telephone call, currently during office hours Monday to Friday, to check on wellbeing. We are seeking to recruit volunteers to make these contact calls to our clients in the morning between 8 – 10 am. The role is flexible and volunteers can choose which/how many days they wish to be involved. Induction and ongoing training will be provided along with regular support and feedback to recognise and further develop the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to carry out this important role.

Blether Buddies makes weekly friendship telephone calls, currently during office hours Monday to Friday.  We are seeking to recruit volunteers to make these calls to our clients on a weekly basis. The role is flexible and volunteers can choose which/how many days they wish to be involved. As a befriender you will phone your befriendee and chat with them for a maximum of 20-30 minutes once per week.

Calls can be made from home or from our office at Luna Place, Dundee Technology Park.

For more information, email volunteer@volunteerdundee.org.uk.