We are delighted to announce that Dundee Third Sector Interface (TSI) has been recognised by Quality Scotland as ‘Committed to Excellence’. Working with Quality Scotland, the TSI has utilised the EFQM Excellence Model which provides a framework that encourages the cooperation, collaboration and innovation within organisations and projects. The EFQM Excellence Model, a management tool provides an holistic view of the organisation and it can be used to determine how these different methods fit together and complement each other. EFQM Excellence Model allows people to understand the cause and effect relationships between what their organisation does and the Results it achieves.
As a TSI, we undertook three improvement projects over the last year to focus and develop the work we do in partnership. Our projects (Internal Communications, External Communications and Joint Service Delivery to the Third Sector) have provided us an excellent foundation for developmental and improvement opportunities for the future, ensuring that as a partnership, we remain committed to connecting and supporting volunteers, voluntary organisations and social enterprises – to make a difference in Dundee for years to come.
Quality Scotland Site: http://www.qualityscotland.co.uk/content/efqm