VOLUNTEERING MATTERS ACTION EARTH GRANTS – now available for Autumn/Winter 2019
Any group of volunteers can apply for Volunteering Matters Action Earth grants of between £50 -£250 to run environmental activities in Scotland’s green spaces. This includes enhancing local biodiversity by creating or improving community gardens, wildflower meadows, ponds, woodlands or urban greenspaces.
50% of our grants are for areas where there is substantial social or economic deprivation. We also prioritise applications from volunteer groups who do any of the following:
- Arrange mass participation volunteering events to get the community involved
- Improve and develop the health and wellbeing of their local community
- Involve disabled people, vulnerable people or those at risk of exclusion
- Encourage and involve people under 26 in practical outdoor conservation
This year we also have a very limited number of enhanced grants of up to £500 for environmental projects which can demonstrate a significant health impact through working with people who have defined health or social needs. Check our website for eligibility and availability of these enhanced grants.
Projects should conclude before January 2020. Grants are allocated on a first-come basis so don’t delay – register today at volunteeringmatters.org.uk/actionearth
Volunteering Matters Action Earth grant funding is provided by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).
For more information contact:
E: robert.henderson@volunteeringmatters.org.uk T: 07808 860356