Work starts on the ‘soon to be active’ mini ‘grow your own’ project in the Whitfield Community Services Complex. We will be growing vegetables for use in the community cafe and for people to take home.
Whitfield High School Reunion group kindly donated to Link Up Whitfield to buy picnic benches and our first raised bed – so a huge thanks goes to them for helping us get our project ‘off the ground’ so to speak. We are currently looking for money to buy more raised beds, but everyone starts somewhere, right!
What we hope to do is encourage people of all ages to come along and get involved growing things, getting fresh air, exercise and the opportunity to learn new skills. And just as important we want them to have fun while they do it.
Three different groups are involved (Link Up Whitfield; Link Up Lunch Club; Discoverin’ Families) and will be looking for volunteers to help – watch this space for more updates as well as checking us out on Facebook!
Here is how it looks right now:
If you know of anyone who is handy in the garden with a bit of spare time on their hands put them in touch with us – there is a lot of work needing done and many hands make light work!
Contact the team on:
Email – or
Telephone – 01382 690950
Link Up Facebook – click here and Link Up Lunch Club Facebook – click here
by Anita Jamieson, Team Leader Projects, Volunteer Dundee