Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action are looking for new trustees to support our organisation to grow and develop.

DVVA is an independent charity that aims to ensure the third sector (like charities, social enterprises, community and voluntary groups) is robust, resilient and delivers high quality services for the people of Dundee.

Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action Vision:

A socially just, healthy and sustainable Dundee that is culturally diverse where people’s voices are heard and power and decision making is equally shared.

We will do this by:

Using an evidence-based approach to enable and assist individuals and communities to create positive and long-lasting change.
Promoting and supporting voluntary and community action to bring a positive change for all the people of Dundee.
Promoting and supporting volunteering to bring a positive change for all the people of Dundee.
Promoting good governance across third sector organisations in Dundee.


The Board is currently made up of 7 members and meets every 2 months and is looking to recruit two new members. We would particularly welcome those with skills or a background in a legal or corporate setting to fill one of our vacancies. We would also particularly welcome applications from groups currently underrepresented on our Board including women, people from BAME backgrounds, younger people and people who have engaged with our organisation and/or services.

See link below for more information on the role.

DVVA Trustee Role Description

If you would like to find out more or have an informal chat with one of our existing board members, email recruitment@dvva.scot. To apply, please send your CV along with a short covering letter to recruitment@dvva.scot by 25th April 2021.