RVS Services for Over 50s
Royal Voluntary Service, Dundee City are pleased to continue to provide a lifeline to our vulnerable, older people (over 50) and or their carers. The support we have been providing (during Co-Vid) and will continue to provide includes companionship (telephone befriending) calls and welfare checks (Safe & Well phone calls), help packs of essential food and toiletries– providing vital food for those struggling to pay for daily necessities.
Shop n’ Drop is a very popular service for those people unable to get out to buy their messages from their local supermarket-just let the volunteer know what it is you need, arrange payment with the volunteer or the supermarket and the volunteer will collect and drop off the shopping to you. They will stay on the doorstep and have a chat with you to see how you are getting on and let us know if you are having any difficulties that we or another organisation may be able to help with. We can also arrange to collect your medication from the local pharmacist.
A Garden Gate visit involves a volunteer making the arrangement with the client to visit, weather dependent, and then meets the client in the client’s garden to engage in conversation, at a social distance. These visits have been welcomed by those people who have been shielding and self-isolating for a number of months now, just being able to see someone and being able to go outside in the fresh air and enjoy and share their garden again.
Had a fall? Let us help you regain your confidence by going on an Accompanied Walk are now back and a volunteer will arrange to meet a client and take them a short walk in their local area. Our Walks Volunteers will be attending a Paths for All Walk Leader training so that post Co-vid we can establish walks that will start from one of the Sheltered Housing Complexes, for example, take a walk in the local area for no longer than an hour returning to the complex to have lunch plus an afternoon of bingo, singing, playing cards/arts and crafts, etc. Currently we are providing accompanied walks that can take in a stop at a local Café to stop and have a coffee and a sticky bun
Post Co-Vid our volunteers can support an individual to attend local lunch clubs, day care centres, and as part of our new service provision, we will be launching RVS Dundee City ‘Happy, Healthy Lives’ group/s. These groups will initially offer a menu of activities that individuals can ‘pick and choose’ from. We will move towards a weekly themed activity group, with access and support, provided by volunteers, to activities such as the accredited seated exercise programme developed in conjunction with HOPE-Helping Older People Engage, Dundee’s Very Own Move It or Lose It (MIoLI) DVD which not only provides 30 minutes of easy to follow strength and balance exercises, is rounded off by pictures of Old Dundee.
Our MIoLI trained volunteers will take the individual through the exercise programme, at the client’s pace, and then finish off by watching and chatting about the old photos and the Scottish music played during the exercises. Other activities we will provide include: bingo, arts and crafts, cards & board games, singing, reminiscence, and a programme of visiting speakers/crafters to ensure the group continues to be a lively, fun to be involved in and motivates the individual to attend on a regular basis.
Are you living with Dementia and have a Carer? Royal Voluntary Service, Dundee City are pleased to be able to offer support to people with the early stage to middle stages of dementia. Dementia Volunteers can transform the lives of people with dementia by supporting and empowering them to live the life they want and stay connected to their communities. Whether it is dropping in for a cuppa and a blether, developing a playlist for life, trip to the shops, bringing friends together for lunch or to reminisce, our volunteers make a real difference to the people they support. By engaging a volunteer, who has had extra training in supporting people with dementia, the carer/s and family members can have a well-deserved break. The volunteer will work with the person to identify what could improve their quality of life, whilst enabling them to take positive steps to connect to their community to reduce the feelings of isolation and improve their self-esteem and confidence. This could include 1:1 or group activities and may link with other services available in Dundee city, such as bowling, football, arts and crafts and or board games, whatever suits the individual.
For further information on any of the services mentioned please contact:
Michelle Manzie, Service Manager michelle.manzie@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk or 07834 753386
For referrals for services or enquiries about volunteering for Royal Voluntary Service, Dundee City, please contact either:
Irene Wallace, Service Coordinator 07917 183548 Thursday or Friday
Or email on Dundeehfh@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk