Opportunity for any young people aged between 16 and 26 interested in volunteering with NHS 24:

NHS 24 have created a youth forum to give young people an opportunity to volunteer and influence NHS 24 services.  This helps NHS 24 to create services that are accessible to young people.  Our current members have had the opportunity to feedback on a web chat function which Breathing Space are looking to implement this year.  We have also recently worked with Young Scot and provided feedback on some work they are doing in creating digital health services.  We are keen to help our young people gain new skills, for example we have provided a training session on effective communication.

The group meet 4 times per year and try to meet at different locations.  We are registered with the Saltire Awards so volunteers would be able to achieve certificates for volunteering with us.  We also provide lunch on the day as well as any travel expenses.

Our next meeting is on Saturday 7th December at the Mitchell library in Glasgow 11am – 2pm.

If you require any further information or if anyone is interested in attending one of our meetings please email youth.forum@nhs24.scot.nhs.uk.