Royal Victoria Hospital / Roxburghe House / Centre for Brain Injury
Royal Victoria Hospital is primarily dedicated to medicine for the elderly. Roxburghe House provides palliative care for those with a life limiting illness. The Centre for Brain Injury provides in-patient rehabilitation to adults who have complex disability following a brain injury. All are part of the NHS and at the same location – Jedburghe Road. Volunteers play an important role in the running of the hospitals and they have opportunities to take on more.
Refreshment Trolley Helper –
Roxburghe House needs a volunteer to help ward staff with the provision of refreshments for patients and visitors by the Refreshments Trolley. This will involve some preparation after which you will leave the kitchen area tidy, dishes washed and back on clean trolley ready for the next service, one to one contact with patients providing companionship where someone has few visitors as the trolley goes round the ward.
Ward Support –
There are many aspects to this role, including listening to and talking with patients, reading newspapers/books/letters to them, taking patients out of the Ward for a coffee, helping patients to complete menus, provide companionship, welcoming patients and visitors to the Ward., and so on. All 3 hospitals need Ward Support volunteers.
Activity Assistant –
You will be involved in planning the day’s activities, settiing up & clearing away materials, taking part in the activities yourself, encouraging patients to take part, listen to and talk to patients & provide companionship. In this role, you will support hospital staff and enhance the patient’s stay.
Event Support –
In this role, you will support hospital staff to deliver various group projects and plan a Calendar of Events for patients of Roxburghe House. This could involve helping with set up and clearing away group materials, updating notice boards, shopping & food preparation, encouraging and enabling participants to take part in group activities.
If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator Alison Sellars on 01382 423128 or email
Bus fares and mileage reimbursed,