We can advertise your volunteering vacancies in a number of different ways.
- Volunteer Dundee website and social media
- Volunteer Scotland website
- Through our community Outreach Programme
- Through our volunteering newsletter
To access this service we ask you to first register your organisation with us and then complete an opportunity form for each volunteer role you want to advertise. We can help you with this if required.
Advertise your Opportunities
You can do this in two easy steps: complete the organisation registration form and then the volunteer opportunity form for each role you wish to advertise.
Step 1: Register your organisation
You only need to register your organisation once. Once registered, we expect you to inform us of any changes to your details.
Download the Registration Form here:
- Organisation Registration Form (Word Document) February 2020
- Organisation Registration Form (PDF) February 2020
Once completed, please return your form to us at volunteer@dvva.scot
Step 2: Register your Volunteer Roles
You need to complete one form per opportunity. The reason for this is to ensure each opportunity is listed on the website which will make it quick to find and your organisation will have a higher profile on the database and website.
When completing this form it’s worth remembering that this is a chance to “sell” your organisation to prospective volunteers, so keep your content interesting, easy to understand and to the point. It is worth giving thought to how you complete these forms as it could attract people who will give hundreds of hours to your organisation, so time well spent. There is a guide below to help you write a volunteering opportunity. If you would like to speak to us about writing a volunteering vacancy then please do not hesitate to get in touch on 01382 305705.
Before recruiting volunteers, your organisation needs to have a clear understanding of what tasks you would like them to do. Organisations that can offer interesting and productive tasks will find it easier to attract and keep volunteers. Different people will, of course, find different tasks interesting but the design of the volunteer opportunity is important.
Volunteer Opportunity Form:
Volunteer Opportunity Guide:
- Volunteer Opportunity Guide (Word Document) February 2020
- Volunteer Opportunity Guide (PDF) February 2020
Please return your completed Volunteer Opportunity form to us by email volunteer@dvva.scot or by post.
If you need any advice about completing these forms please contact us on 01382 305705 or email volunteer@dvva.scot.