Dundee Carers Centre’s aims are to provide information and support services to disabled people and carers. To ensure disabled people and carers understand and exercise their rights to services and support and act in an advocacy role if required. And to work with others to identify gaps in services and develop and manage services to fill those gaps.
Peer mentors have a valuable role in working with carers to support them to be able to fully participate and engage in social and community life, for many carers this can be challenging to achieve due to a variety of factors. The nature of this role is 1-2-1 support to achieve pre-determined goals that the person has. This will be done through planned fun and worthwhile activities that have been agreed upon by the person, their family (if a young person), the peer support line manager and you, our peer mentor. We would like all volunteers for this role to be aged 18+.Peer mentoring asks for a commitment of 1 year to ensure a positive relationship is built.
Travel expenses reimbursed.
For more information, please email volunteer@volunteerdundee.org.uk.