Morgan Academy’s S3 Achieve team are one of three finalists in this year’s Youth Volunteering Team of the Year Award category. This team recently set out to reduce social isolation and improve mental wellbeing for elderly people in their local community. They accomplished this by visiting a sheltered housing complex for a year and engaging residents in activities, taking them out on trips, making teas/coffees and chatting with them.

Some of the activities the team have taken part in include playing games, fitness sessions, arts and crafts demonstrations and baking groups – several of which the group have organised as requested by the residents. The group have also attended outings with the residents, and ran a coffee morning at the complex to raise funds for the Complex’s Comfort Fund. They have even gone to the efforts of attending the complex when the school closed for in-service days and holidays. All of this has helped to make the residents feel valued, included in their local area and most importantly happy.

We wish the best of luck to the S3 Achieve team for next month’s Youth Volunteering Awards!