Mid-Lin Day Care provides day care facilities for older people in Dundee. Our facility operates on the principle of alleviating social isolation and providing support which helps older people to remain living independently for longer. Our service users have transport to and from the centre provided, along with nutritious three course lunches. Person centred activities and live entertainment bring enjoyment and stimulation to our service users as part of our activities and live entertainment bring enjoyment and stimulation to our service users as part of our activities programme. Mid-Lin now operates with 9 staff and 40 volunteers caring for a wide range of needs through physical and mental debility including late stage dementia.

Mid-Lin are looking for a volunteer Secretary to the Board. This will involve attending regular board meetings, taking minutes and circulating these to attendees after the meeting. In the course of this role, the volunteer will learn about the charity and it’s operations. You will be part of a team and have the opportunity to enhance the skills you do have – either in your retirement or if you are seeking employment, its good for your CV.

For more information please email volunteer@volunteerdundee.org.uk.