The Dundee Volunteer Managers Forum is an open peer support forum for volunteer managers to discuss issues affecting volunteering in Dundee.

A good opportunity to meet over a coffee with other volunteer managers/coordinators who work with volunteers across Dundee, share practice, discuss issues and support each other professionally. Meetings are informal and interactive – you will hear what is going on around Dundee and find out about new developments. Guest speakers are invited to share relevant news and information on their organisations. There is always time for networking too should you wish to make new contacts.

Purpose of the Volunteer Managers Forum

  • Promote the professional role of the volunteer manager in line with the National Occupational Standards for Volunteer Managers
  • Create a peer support network to volunteer managers
  • Create an open forum for volunteer managers to discuss issues affecting volunteering
  • Share information on available training events for volunteer managers and/or volunteers
  • Share accurate and current information on best practice in volunteering in line with the Volunteer Friendly Award standards
  • Contribute to measuring the impact of volunteering in Dundee

The forum is open to anyone who support volunteers within their workplace in Dundee. Guests are invited from the private, public and voluntary sector and is a good opportunity to make contacts and connections with organisers of volunteering in Dundee.

An online forum has been created to connect between meetings

Join our mailing list to be informed of the next forum date, other events and training and anything relevant to volunteer management: email with your request to join the mailing list.