Are you interested in becoming a volunteer listener?

Spiritual Care Listener – “Helping people (re)discover hope and inner strength in times of illness, change and loss”

Can you be a good listener? Can you help someone explore what they are going through?

Listening to people’s concerns can help them feel less isolated and anxious while helping them feel more hopeful and valued.

Volunteers can play a vital role supporting the work of the Department of Spiritual Care in their work often being the initial point of contact.

Volunteering opportunities are available in

  • Bereavement
  • Community
  • Hospital

Members of the Department provide ongoing support.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with the Department of Spiritual Care an information afternoon is being held on Wednesday 20th September, 2017.

If you wish to attend please contact Lynne Downie on 01382 423110 or email