If you’re a person who wants to get involved and is interested in making a difference you can search for vacancies here and find out about how volunteering could help you AND others in Dundee.

Volunteer Dundee provides a gateway into the best volunteering opportunities in Dundee. We have around 300 opportunities from gardening to sports to befriending and many others in between!

You can also give us a call on 01382 305705 to talk to a team member about what you would like to do.

However – did you know you can also volunteer with us in our projects and offices?

You can volunteer with:

Dial-OP GO ProjectLink Up


If you have additional skills and experience which you feel would benefit our organisations, such as supporting us in our offices, marketing or fundraising then please get in touch.


If you would rather speak to us in person come find us in your community at one of our pop up shops

Outreach Programme


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Volunteering