Sistema Scotland’s mission is to create permanent social change in some of the most deprived communities in Scotland. We use participation in our Big Noise orchestra programmes to change lives by fostering confidence, discipline, teamwork, pride and aspiration in the children and young people.
After School Club is at the heart of Big Noise. Our team of volunteers helps us create a fun, safe and happy environment where children can learn to be part of the Big Noise Orchestra. The Club is currently open to all children in P3 who go to school in Douglas (Dundee).
We need positive and enthusiastic people to help us make it happen. Volunteers’ main tasks are Befriend the children, Support the musicians in sessions, Help with set up and tidying away, Supervise children on the walk from their school to the club.
The minimum age of 16 for volunteers is required because of the nature of our befriending of children and young people. However, we will involve younger volunteers in some cases e.g. those on the Duke of Edinburgh scheme.
For more information, please email