Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) is Scotland’s national resource of expertise on drugs and related issues. Established in 1986, SDF is a membership-based organisation. We seek to lead and represent the drugs field in Scotland in order to improve Scotland’s response to problem drug use. SDF works with policy makers, service planners and commissioners, service managers and staff as well as people who use or have used services to ensure service quality and evidence-based policy and practice.

SDF trains people who have had substance use problems to interview people who currently have substance use problems about their experience or about the services they use. They know they are being understood and listened to by someone who has had similar experiences. Full training and support is provided by SDF staff to give you the skills and confidence to carry out the role. You learn at your own pace and work on areas that interest you. Volunteering as a peer researcher can involve: Running focus groups, designing questionnaires, Reviewing services, Interviewing service users. SDF volunteers tell us they volunteer to: Attend a variety of events and meet new people, Access other SDF training and volunteer opportunities, Gain knowledge and skills on how to support research projects, Help improve services for people who use them, Eventually move on to other volunteering, education or employment.

Travel expenses paid. A number of volunteers are needed for this role.

For more information, please email