Discoverin’ Families is a project which supports parents and carers to get involved in their community.
There are two strands to the project, one which is based in Whitfield and covers the North-East of Dundee and works in partnership with One Parent Family Scotland and a second strand which works in the Charleston area of Dundee and aims to promote the capacity of local families to improve their quality of life.
North East Dundee
The aim of The North East Project is to work with community members mainly in Whitfield and Fintry to build their capacity to work towards becoming community leaders. We want to help them to address issues they see in their community and help find solutions for these. We have already set up a small steering group of local people and workers who have identified many issues. Examples of these are the anti social behaviour of the youths in the area (such as the fire at the school). So we are working on establishing a new teenage group and are also working with Whitfield Development Group on an engagement event targeted at that age group. Another area that the steering group identified was the lack of support groups in the area for families with children with additional support needs. Hopefully over the next two years we will be able to see a real difference in the community.
We know families who live in areas of deprivation face many barriers but we also know that there is an abundance of skills and talents these families have and use to create new opportunities for their children. We see local parents as assets and the job in hand is to build upon their ideas and suggestions and to help bring these to life. For some parents engagement is not easy due to work and study commitments and the fact that local services are not available at evenings and weekends. It is these parents Discoverin Families regularly meets and offers family socialisation opportunities to in the form of Family Fun on Fridays monthly events and Saturday morning monthly events. Through this contact we are keen to investigate what life is like for student and working parents and consultation is also a regular feature with some parents volunteering to be part of this long term mission.
If you are a parent/carer and want to be more active in your community then please contact Discoverin’ Families on 01382 690950 or find us on Facebook.