I work as the Development Manager for Dundee Third Sector Interface. Dundee TSI is a partnership between Volunteer Dundee (with whom I am based), Dundee Voluntary Action and Dundee Social Enterprise Network.

I have been in post for a little over two years now and it has been a busy two years to say the least! Every day is a little different in my role and it is that kind of work that I really enjoy. Since I started in late 2015, I have been involved in reviewing areas of partnership work (the Gateway space at Number Ten), I have set up and I manage a number of internal staff meetings (Marketing and Communications, Learning and Development and Operational Management Groups) as well as taken the partnership through the Committed to Excellence system with EFQM.

My role was a brand new post so it’s been a welcome opportunity to make it my own and I have been very fortunate to have a supportive team around me (CEO’s of each partner organisation and colleagues across the TSI) whom have encouraged me to pursue ideas and opportunities. Sometimes they don’t always work out, but I believe you have to give things a go.

I have worked in the charitable sector for almost twelve years now; from posts in events (I used to run an environmental festival in Fife called The Big Tent) through to Time Banking development in Perth and Kinross as well as partnership management for a national youth charity (ProjectScotland). I fell into the third sector so to speak following a degree in Fine Art and not knowing what I wanted to do with it (I knew I didn’t want to be an ‘artist’ so to speak. I took on a couple of administrative jobs and this led on to events at my first third sector employer.

I still like to keep the creative fires burning so to speak so attend life drawing classes in my local village and love to get out with my camera when I have the opportunity (which is rare nowadays). I also love Instagram – sharing my photos as well as looking through recommended accounts and fellow photographers pages. If you are interested and want a nose – you can find me under @theruralphotographer.